Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Neurofilament light chains as a marker for detection of the prodromal stage of Parkinson's disease
Main solverMgr. Eva Augste
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
Standardization of the NK cell preparation pipeline, bioprofilling and quality control for prospective utilization of NK cells in allogeneic cell therapy
Main solverMgr. Klára Baďurová
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
Metamathematics of substructural modal logics
Main solverMgr. Libor Běhounek, Ph.D.
Period1/2022 - 12/2024
ProviderStandardní projekt GA ČR
Feminist, psychoanalytical, and queer approaches to contemporary Anglophone literature
Main solverMgr. et Mgr. Jan Beneš, Ph.D.
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
The content of selected nutrients in the diet and its effect on the health status of people at risk and diagnosed with Parkinson's disease
Main solverMgr. Nadezhda Borzenko
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
Social (im)mobility of marginalized youth as a challenge for social work
Main solverMgr. Zuzana Broskevičová
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
Coordination and motor-control of lower limbs during single-leg stance.
Main solverMgr. Pavel Brtva, Ph.D.
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
Landslides in the 21st century: impact on contemporary landscapes and modern methods for their research
Main solverMgr. Michal Břežný, Ph.D.
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
Support of healthy ageing: using educational and psychosocial interventions to maintain mental health, for prevention and timely diagnosis of depression, anxiety, and cognitive disorders of older adults in a community
Main solverdoc. PhDr. Radka Bužgová, Ph.D.
Period5/2021 - 12/2024
ProviderMinisterstvo zdravotnictví
Primární prevence prostřednictvím divadla
Main solverPhDr. Hana Cisovská, Ph.D.
Period3/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderStatutární město Ostrava
Early Modern Mosaic Physics and Its Comenian Successors
Main solverdoc. Mgr. Jan Čížek, Ph.D.
Period4/2022 - 12/2024
ProviderStandardní projekt GA ČR
Quantitative Onomastics: Starting Points, Concepts, Applications
Main solverprof. Mgr. Jaroslav David, Ph.D.
Period1/2022 - 12/2024
ProviderStandardní projekt GA ČR
Czech Linguistics of the 21st Century - Interviews, Topics, Analysis
Main solverMgr. Jana Davidová Glogarová, Ph.D.
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
Early diagnosis of invasive candidiasis in intensive care
Main solverMgr. Radim Dobiáš, Ph.D.
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
Is the formation of gut microbiomes of insect herbivores a process of stochastic events or deterministic interactions?
Main solverdoc. Mgr. Pavel Drozd, Ph.D.
Period1/2022 - 12/2024
ProviderStandardní projekt GA ČR
Deep learning algorithms
Main solverIng. Petr Dvořáček
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
Functional exploration of a novel cellular system critical for understanding the origin and early evolution of the mitochondrion
Main solverprof. Mgr. Marek Eliáš, Ph.D.
Period1/2022 - 12/2024
ProviderStandardní grantový projekt GA AV
Fuzzy natural logic and selected methods of fuzzy modeling with applications
Main solverMgr. Karel Fiala
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
Biogeomorphic interactions in meandering rivers across different spatiotemporal scales
Main solverdoc. RNDr. Tomáš Galia, Ph.D.
Period1/2022 - 12/2024
ProviderStandardní projekt GA ČR
Rozvoj interdisciplinárních studijních programů s vysokou společenskou poptávkou
Main solverdoc. PhDr. Alice Gojová, Ph.D.
Period1/2023 - 12/2024
ProviderVzdělávací činnost