
Course title:Introduction to Czech Language and Culture
Faculty:Faculty of Arts
Department:Department of Czech Language
Course code:KCJ / 0CEER
Semester:Winter / Summer
Level of study:
Format of study:Seminar 1 [Hours/Week]
Name of the lecturer:Mgr. Michaela Hanušková (G); Mgr. Mgr. Bc. Michal Místecký, Ph.D.; PhDr. Lucie Radková, Ph.D.
Language:Czech, English
ISCED F broad:Arts and humanities
Annotation:The course, which takes the form of practical tuition, acquaints international students (non-native speakers of Czech) with the basics of the Czech language, Czech history and culture. During language lessons attention is focused on basic grammar, phrases, specific features of Czech orthography, pronunciation and vocabulary and specific issues about the orientation in the Czech Republic (signs, menu, timetables etc.). The course also covers topics from Czech history and culture; attention focuses on the way of life in the Czech Republic, and in Ostrava as well. Teaching is in both English and in Czech (mostly language practice lessons). The course is taught in a three-day course, which takes place the last week before the start of the semester.