Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Linguistic Landscape in the Context of Multiethnicity in the Czech-Polish Borderland
Project IdSGS10/FF/2024
Main solverPhDr. Jiří Muryc, Ph.D.
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe proposed one-year project "Linguistic Landscape in the Context of Multiethnicity in the Czech-Polish Borderland" responds to the current language (communicative) situation on the Czech-Polish border. Linguistic landscape is generally understood as a set of signs (graphic/textual signs) situated in a certain (public) space. It is the language here that reflects the broader context of the development of ethnicity and the current linguistic situation. In the analysis of the linguistic landscape we intend to focus on the situation of Polish in the Czech Republic and Czech in Poland. The area in question is the territory of Czech and Polish Silesia (Ostrava and its surroundings, Opava, Těšín/Cieszyn, Ratiboř, Rybnik and its surroundings). The quantitative aspect and strict geographical delimitation will not be decisive for the analysis itself. The research team will be mainly interested in a qualitative approach to the linguistic material, where the aim will be to diagnose, understand and compare the indicators of the linguistic landscape in relation to four thematic areas - tourism, the business sphere (e.g. communication of Polish/Czech businessmen with customers), the linguistic landscape in the city and outside it, and the specifics of the linguistic landscape in the bilingual environment of the Czech Těšín region. The expected outputs of the project will be mainly papers and articles in periodicals such as Jsc/Jost, presentations at international student and professional conferences, chapters in collective monographs (C). We also expect outputs of popularization character. The project will involve 2 academics, 2 students od doctoral programme and 2 students of Master´s degree programme.