Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Language Devices of the Participants in Military Missions Abroad II.
Project IdSGS05/FF/2021
Main solverPhDr. Lucie Radková, Ph.D.
Period1/2021 - 12/2021
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe project is, by its nature, of interdisciplinary character, and is connected to one of the three main research areas pursued at the Department of Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava - namely, to the studies of sociolects. The topic of the project, which develops the SGS05/FF/2020 one, is field research among the participants in international military operations and observation missions in Afghanistan and Mali. The primary goal of the project investigators is to compile the up-to-date word-stock used by Czech soldiers located at the NATO bases and to find out what military language means to the mission participants, what its role is in their communication, and what rules it follows. It is a topic which, due to its scope and demanding research, has yet to be investigated thoroughly in Czech linguistics. The researchers are going to continue with the tasks started in 2020 and finish the field research, which has been complicated by the current pandemic situation. The field research on the function of military language will have an international character - it will also cover the army contingents coming from other nations. In future, the acquired data will be connected to research carried out in the other sections of the Army of the Czech Republic (e.g., the Military Police, the Active Reserves), and will be made use of in the monograph on the language of law enforcement groups (the Police of the Czech Republic, the Army of the Czech Republic).