Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Properties of number sequences and their applications
Project Id17-02804S
Main solverFlorian Luca
Period1/2017 - 12/2019
ProviderStandardní projekt GA ČR
AnotationThe projec aim is to find new and develop existing methods number theory used to study properties of numerical representations of number sequences and in study of their approximation, distribution and metric properties. A common aspect of the used approaches will be techniques developed in Diophantine approximations theory. We will continue our investigations of non-conventional radix representations and of properties of connected dynamical systems. In Diophantine approximations algorithmic variants of approximations by linear forms will be studied. In investigation of distribution properties of sets of number sequences aritmetic characteristics of the set of all distribution functions will be studied, as well as the aritmetic parameters determining the distribution type of a sequence. Feedbacks between aritmetic characteristics such as irrationality, transcendence degree of irrationality and metric properties of sets of numerical sequences will also be studied.