Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Serum levels of vitamin D and its impact on mental and physical health
Project IdSGS10/LF/2024
Main solverBc. Miloš Chudý
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationVitamin D is a hormone entirely essential for the proper functioning of the human body. A deficiency in vitamin D is associated not only with disorders of calcium-phosphate metabolism but also with an increased risk of various civilization-related diseases of cardiovascular, metabolic, or neoplastic nature. The active form of vitamin D significantly influences the nervous and immune systems of humans; therefore, its deficiency is a significant etiological and prognostic factor in many autoimmune and neurological disorders. Due to its immunomodulatory effects, this hormone is also involved in the fight against numerous infectious diseases. Some studies describe a significant association between lower serum levels of vitamin D and a higher incidence of respiratory diseases in winter months. In the winter months, residents of the Czech Republic are exposed to a significant risk of low vitamin D levels. Studies conducted during the winter-spring period, focusing on vitamin D levels in the Polish population, have shown that only 9% of the tested individuals had values within the optimal range (75-125 nmol/l), meaning that 91% of the subjects had levels in suboptimal or insufficient ranges. The aim of this study is to determine the serum levels of vitamin D in a selected population of working age and compare these levels with indicators of physical and mental health. Vitamin D is associated with the degree of depression and anxiety, and this study focuses on the relationship between vitamin D levels and mental well-being. Additionally, the physical condition of the subjects will be examined since a lack of vitamin D can contribute to muscle weakness, fatigue, and overall deterioration of physical health. The results of the study could provide valuable insights into the serum levels of vitamin D in the selected population and highlight the need for its supplementation.