Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Involvement of lived experience into social work education
Project IdSGS02/FSS/2023
Main solverdoc. PhDr. Alice Gojová, Ph.D.
Period1/2023 - 12/2023
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe lived experience as a source of knowledge in social work is underestimated in a long-time perspective. Efforts to promote the participation of people with lived experience in social work education move towards valuing users' experience in shaping the knowledge base of social work. The project aims to evaluate the work of the Board of Practice Consultants, which has been operating at FSS OU since 2018. The goal of the evaluation is to find out how its actors report on the effects of including lived experience through narratives in the teaching of social work and what factors, according to them, influence the achievement of these effects. The theoretical framework of the research is based on the concept of co-creation of social work knowledge. Furthermore, we are based on previous knowledge about including experiential knowledge in social work education. A qualitative research strategy was chosen to achieve the research objective, specifically on the role of narrative in mediating lived experience during education. We will conduct semi-structured interviews with 12 people with lived experience involved in university teaching and 10 pedagogues who collaborated with them in teaching. We also plan to include the perspective of teachers without the experience. Furthermore, 3 focus groups with students will be created. Data will be analyzed using thematic content analysis. The research results will show the potential impact of adding lived experience through narrative into social work teaching. However, they will also draw attention to its risks, challenges and assumptions. They will also benefit from the more targeted use of experiential knowledge in social work education.