Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

Comparison of the upper limb muscle activity when using classical and vertical computer mouse
Project IdSGS05/LF/2020
Main solverIng. Bc. Lucie Honzíková, Ph.D.
Period1/2020 - 12/2020
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe computer is a daily part of each of us. We use it at work, at school and at home. According to Microsoft research, an American spends an average of 7 hours a day at a computer, including 6 hours at work and 1 hour at home (ONMSFT, 2013). During this time we cannot do without the mouse and keyboard, which are an essential part of the computer. In 1963, the first computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart (SOLCA, 2006). The original mouse models were difficult to grasp, inconvenient and difficult to handle. Over time, computer mice evolved. Their shape changed from square models to rounded. Despite various modifications to the mice, we still face myoskeletal injury when using the mouse excessively. These injuries are reduced by specially designed ergonomic or vertical mice. The vertical mouse is designed to allow a better position, mainly forearm and wrist. These mice were found to exhibit less overloading of the wrist and finger extensors, thus reducing the risk of myoskeletal injury (QUEMELO et al., 2013).