Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

New approaches to aggregation operators in analysis and processing of data
Project Id18-06915S
Main solverprof. Irina Perfiljeva, CSc., dr. h. c., prof. h. c.
Period1/2018 - 12/2020
ProviderStandardní projekt GA ČR
AnotationThe project is focused on the theory of aggregations through the prism of various applications in data analysis and related processing algorithms. The key point is extension of aggregations to the domain of lattices and even posets. Three particular interconnected directions are to be elaborated: generating of wide classes of aggregation functions, analysis of particular classes represented by Sugeno-type integrals and generating of multivariate aggregation functions in the form of direct F-transforms. This contributes to the field of theoretical tools in data analysis, information fusion and effective methods of data processing. It pushes forward the existing methods to new domains and breaks the limitations of classical theories.