
Course title:Lingwistyka kognitywna / Cognitive and Communication Linguistics
Faculty:Faculty of Arts
Department:Department of Slavonic Studies - Department of Polish
Course code:KPF / 7LIKO
Level of study:Mgr.
Format of study:Lecture 1 [Hours/Week]
Name of the lecturer:doc. PhDr. Irena Bogoczová, CSc. (G)
Language:Czech, Polish
ISCED F broad: 
Annotation:Celem wykladow jest poszerzenie wiadomosci studentow kierunkow filologicznych na temat aktualnych badan w zakresie lingwistyki (krajowej i obcej). Uwaga skierowana jest przede wszstkim na tzw. jezykowy obraz swiata, jego charakter naiwny, antropocentryczny i metaforyczny. Udowodniony zostanie rowniez fakt zaszeregowania lingwistyki do nauk kognitywistycznych. The present subject embraces the topics of human cognition, the linguistic perception and image of the world, the issues of categorisation and taxation of the world, the theory of prototypes in linguistics, the theory of metaphors and the aspect of motivation while designating reality, etc. The individual problems are presented from the point of view of Structuralism, Cognitivism and Communication Theory. Special attention is devoted to the linguistic image of the world perceived through the prism of Slavonic languages. The subject is especially intended for students of Slavonic Studies, including Czech studies.