Course title:
Basso Continuo C
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Department of Keyboard Instruments
Course code:
Level of study:
Format of study:
Practical classes 1 [Hours/Week]
Name of the lecturer:
Czech, English
ISCED F broad:
Basso Continuo A is a principal study subject of Harpsichord specialization in the framework of Instrumental Play study programme. Individual tutorials focus on further development of student´s competencies in creating numbered and non-numbered basso continuo. This course build upon knowledge and practical competenecies gained by student at Bachelor´s degree programme. The outcome of the course is to independently perform numbered and non-numbered basso of French music of 17th and 18th centuries, including polyfonic compositions and partimento (basso continuo without solo melodic link).
This course is fundamental in order to establish solid understanding of specifics in harpsichord play and seeing possibilities of its use at concerts. Upon completion of the course the student should manifest abilities in discerning differencies of style aspects in music of 17th and 18th centuries, differences of music accompaniment based on historical tractates; and demonstrate his prowess by applying this knowledge by creating a unique basso continuo in French music of 17th and 18th centuries.
Basso continuo advanced practical knowledge
Final practical exam serves to check knowledge and ability of French basso continuo performance
Individual approach to basso continuo creation
Cantatas for singing and basso continuo
Selection of chamber music with basso continuo
Performing of polyfonic tractated basso continuo compositions
Individual seminars´ detailed content is based on selected repertoire
J. Matthesson: Grosse Generalbas-Schule (Mittelklasse, Oberklasse) (1731)
David Ledbetter: Continuo playing according to Handel
Pascal Bouquet, Gérard Rebours: 50 Standards pour jouer et improviser
Partimenta (Bach, Pasquini and others)
All accesible literature for basso continuo including orchestra compositions (Bach´s Overture and Cantatas, Passion and so on)