Course title:
Studio of video, multimedia, performance 1
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Department of Intermedia Studies
Course code:
Level of study:
Format of study:
Lecture 2 [Hours/Week], Practical classes 6 [Hours/Week]
Name of the lecturer:
Czech, English
ISCED F broad:
The aim of the introductory lessons is to introduce students into the content of the bachelor's degree in video-multimedia-performance studio. Show them of studio lectures and exercises related to the discipline discussed in each term (from drawing and painting, object and installation, performance, and video art). Another goal is to provide explanation of the importance of parallel free creation, and importance of consultations with their peers over the outcomes of the assigned exercises and free works and partial experiments alike. The aim of teaching technical literacy at the beginning of the term is to introduce the student into taking input data skills (digital photography, scanning) and working with acquired data in a PC (editing, etc.). Student's own portfolio provides a consultation platform, and it is seen as a principal element to his/her work. The first term aims at mastering the preparatory phase, from drawing and color sketches to digital painting. The final goal of this term is to master the basics of still life painting, landscape, portrait, and figural composition. Lectures also cover an introduction of selected paintings from 1945 to the present, its content and form. The student learns to defend and present his/her work and archiving it in a portfolio.