Course title:
Business Russian 4
Faculty of Arts
Department of Slavonic Studies - Department of Russian
Course code:
Level of study:
Format of study:
Practical classes 2 [Hours/Week]
Name of the lecturer:
ISCED F broad:
The seminar is a sequel to what students learned in the subjects Business Russian 1-3. Students learn the Russian vocabulary of another 7 topics (see the subject contents) from the sphere of business activity. During the course of subjects Business Russian 1-4 each student learns approximately 1,330 lexical units from the field of specialised Russian economic terminology and is able to use them correctly. They also acquire communicative ability in the given field; learn to translate simple business texts into Czech and vice versa and, last but not least, they become acquainted with business documents. Special attention is devoted to acquiring the ability to maintain written documentation. Communicative competence of learners in the sphere of business and commercial Russian is further developed, namely speaking, listening and reading. Students are going to work with simple specialised texts from contemporary Russian periodicals concentrating on economics and marketing. Their range of grammatical knowledge will be strengthened and broadened with regard to the needs of the covered topics. Text materials will serve both for acquiring technical vocabulary and the social and cultural competence of students.