Course title:
Drawing Studio 3
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Department of Graphics and Drawing
Course code:
Level of study:
Format of study:
Lecture 2 [Hours/Week], Practical classes 6 [Hours/Week]
Name of the lecturer:
Czech, English
ISCED F broad:
In the first term of the second year, the drawing program focuses at achieving and consolidating drawing skills. In the thematic part of the studio assignment, this term intensifies the experiment tendency that is being fueled by effort to expand the student's ideas of various forms and possibilities of drawing techniques and their application in the context of contemporary art.
As part of a three-year bachelor's degree, this term is one of the two most suitable periods for internships at foreign and domestic faculties or elsewhere at alma mater studios.
As part of their studio work, students (usually under the guidance of external teachers) can experiment with art disciplines that they have not yet studied. They are encouraged to make their individual choice of study direction that would extend their range of possibilities, especially in seemingly remote areas where it would be difficult to navigate without pedagogical guidance and which allows them to make further discoveries (graphic techniques, painting, time media, spatial creation, design, advanced work with specific programs such as In design, Ilustrator , Photoshop, Premiera, as well as 3D modelling, mapping, development of computer games.) In this context, the student is repeatedly called on to look for his/her own, even unusual approaches to work, and to accept the knowledge that an independent experiment is a necessary condition for truly creative artistic activity.
This focus on the expansion depends on the composition of the student's individual study plan (compulsory and optional courses) and availability of external studio teachers. The acquired knowledge and skills are used by the student in fulfilling studio assignments.
The student gains his/her first experience with exhibition practice by taking part in studio exhibitions of various dimensions, one-off workshops, in the framework of thematic studio projects or also by participating in galleries and other extracurricular institutions´ calls and challenges.