Course title:
Studio - Term Work 4
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Department of Intermedia Studies
Course code:
Level of study:
Format of study:
Practical classes 5 [Days/Semester]
Name of the lecturer:
Czech, English
ISCED F broad:
Finding new ways and forms of presentation of the results of independent and predefined term work. Use of the virtual space of the Ostrava University website as one of the possibilities of presenting a work related to the teaching of professional subjects of the Study Program of Intermedial Arts. Deepening of expert knowledge and discerning of diverse ways the work of art is presented in the gallery and public space. Examining individually of different possibilities of student projects´ support via sponsorship, grants, etc. that is attached to financial cost of a particular work. Individual students term projects are based on teaching content in the study specializations and are continuously consulted with the peers in Studio - Term Work. Professional guidance ensures the professional way of task processing and leads the student to self-reflection and spurs his/her professional growth. The student presents his/her exhibition project or any publicly presentable work to a term work committee that consists of teachers across specializations and study programs of the faculty. The resulting score is the average of the evaluation of all members of the committee. The term final test is open to the public.