Course title:
Studio - Term Work 3
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Department of Intermedia Studies
Course code:
Level of study:
Format of study:
Practical classes 5 [Days/Semester]
Name of the lecturer:
Czech, English
ISCED F broad:
Expert subjects of shared foundation are a prerequisite for the development of intermediaity across individual studios. The presentation of studio and non-studio tasks of practical subjects and its preparation is a direct link to this element, which envelops individual specializations. During the implementation of individual projects, which are based on the content of teaching in individual specializations and with the support of peer consultations of the subject studio term work, the emphasis is placed on the topicality and professional way of installation or expert way how to present the work. In conducting these tasks, the student uses his own experience and gallery knowledge in the given field, developed by literature study and deepened by visiting exhibitions, symposiums, etc. Professional guidance ensures the professionalism of task processing and leads the student to self-reflection. The student presents his/her exhibition project or any publicly presentable work to a term work committee that consists of teachers across specializations and study programs of the faculty. The resulting score is the average of the evaluation of all members of the committee. The term final test is open to the public.