Course title:
Studio - Term Work 1
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Department of Intermedia Studies
Course code:
Level of study:
Format of study:
Practical classes 5 [Days/Semester]
Name of the lecturer:
Czech, English
ISCED F broad:
Students are led to master the ideological and technological preparations of studio and non-studio assignments, to present them accordingly, and at the same time to verbally defend the works before the committee. Working on specific projects is based on the individual studio lectures´ contents and on joint foundation lectures. During the term, the state of work is consulted with the peers in Studio - Term Work. Ongoing consultations lead the student to self-reflect and aiding him/her to find solution for the assigned tasks. Professional guidance ensures the quality of the artisanship of the resulting work. To conduct and complete the term assignments, the student uses the acquired knowledge and skills and proves the ability to apply them in a distinctive way, exploring the thought through process and technological possibilities for conducting the assignment, i.e., the materialization of his/her artistic idea. The student presents his/her project to a committee composed of teachers across specializations and study programs of the faculty. The resulting score is the average of the evaluation of all members of the committee. The term final test is open to the public.