Course title:
Interpretation Seminar Instrumental 6
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Department of Keyboard Instruments
Course code:
Level of study:
Format of study:
Seminar 2 [Hours/Week]
Name of the lecturer:
doc. MgA. Eliška Novotná (G); MgA. Pavel Debef, Ph.D.; MgA. Karel Dohnal, Ph.D.; MgA. Adam Farana; MgA. Martina Farana, Ph.D.; prof. Dušan Foltýn; Mgr. Radana Foltýnová; prof. Mgr. Igor Františák, Ph.D.; MgA. Ján Garláthy, Ph.D.; MgA. Nikolaos Grigoriadis; doc. MgA. Jiří Hanousek; prof. MgA. Miloslav Jelínek; Mgr. Zbigniew Kaleta, Dr; doc. MgA. Martin Kasík, Ph.D.; dr Marcela Kysová; doc. Mgr. Petr Maceček, Ph.D.; doc. MgA. Alena Mazgajová, ArtD.; Mgr. Lukáš Michel, ArtD.; Artur Motyka; Jan Ostrý; Mgr. Daniel Skála, Ph.D.; doc. Mgr. Pavel Vítek; MgA. Jiří Vodička; MgA. Jana Vondráčková, Ph.D.
Czech, English
ISCED F broad:
The course serves as a collective platform where students perform musical pieces they study, either in their Major subject or in Chamber Music. In performers´role they receive feedback and as listeners, they have an opportunity to evaluate musical interpretations of their schoolmates. This course creates ample space for discussion on musical interpretation issues and provides a safeground for students and teachers to air their artistic views in academic confrontations. Engagement in discussions helps to hone their verbal skills needed for pregnantly formulating and convicingly advocating their artistic ideas. Mastering these allows for smooth blending of theoretical and practical knowledge and its real-life application.
Seminar attendance of at least 70% with active participation
Minimum number of performances stated as mandatory
Regular performance at seminars
Recordings listening
Concerts attendance
Partaking at expert seminars and master courses
Individual seminars´ detailed content is based on selected repertoire