Course title:
Drawing as a Tool for Creative Thinking 4
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Department of Graphics and Drawing
Course code:
Level of study:
Format of study:
Practical classes 5 [Hours/Week]
Name of the lecturer:
Czech, English
ISCED F broad:
The final term of the course Drawing as a Tool of Artistic Thinking Drawing is structured as a set of individual excursions into inspiring non-artistic areas. It focuses on finding a method by which it is possible to apply maximum of diverse knowledge in student´s artistic work.
Here, the aim is to strengthen the link between the ability to work with a broad context of the topic and the author's own realization. As such, the term´s work becomes either part of the student's studio project or a partial practical assignment.
Based on earlier experience (recap using the author's diary), the student chooses the area with the expected greatest contribution to his/her work and continues to prepare and implement a specific art project.
A general overview on different approaches as well as practical experience with their application allow the student to consciously lean towards a certain view of the chosen topic and help him/her formulate his/her own author method.
The author's diary includes a short-written reflection of the method used, in addition to the project documentation.