Course title:
Painting Studio I. 2
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
Department of Painting
Course code:
Level of study:
Format of study:
Lecture 2 [Hours/Week], Practical classes 6 [Hours/Week]
Name of the lecturer:
Czech, English
ISCED F broad:
The course focuses on surface stylization, line, ornament in painting and still life from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. The student acquires theoretical knowledge of basic works of art throughout art history. The theoretical part of the teaching, focusing on surface painting and the line across art history, is complemented by a theoretical introduction to mythology and interpretation of archetypes.
He/she learns to understand the ways of building an image going through examples and analysis of paintings in antiquity, the Middle Ages and of those in modern times. In the studio, he/she paints according to the model and learns about the human body anatomy, learns understanding and seeing different possibilities and potential of the human figure.
Presentation of free creations of students is an integral part of the lectures. There are discussions over the works with an emphasis on their own presentations and portfolio
creations. Students can freely use while painting all technical equipment of the Digital Image Studio.