Projects & Grants

Internal Grant Competition DGC
START-UP grant

The content of selected nutrients in the diet and its effect on the health status of people at risk and diagnosed with Parkinson's disease
Project IdSGS05/LF/2024
Main solverMgr. Nadezhda BORZENKO
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationParkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons, leading to motor and non-motor symptoms. Emerging evidence suggests a potential link between nutrition and Parkinson's disease prevention and highlights the importance of dietary factors in maintaining neuronal health. Individual dietary patterns, such as the ketogenic diet, the Mediterranean diet or the special MIND diet, have been the subject of research. A large number of studies also investigate the influence of individual macro- and micronutrients on neurodegradation and neuroprotection. Excess or deficiency of individual nutrients can adversely affect the development of PD and impair the overall health of the individual. The main objective of the project is to evaluate the content of selected nutrients in the diet of people at risk and diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and to determine the effect of individual nutrients on selected parameters of health and nutritional status (blood pressure, body circuits, body composition, handshake strength, glycaemia, total cholesterol, uric acid, vitamin D). We hypothesize that insufficient intake of some nutrients in the diet may negatively affect the course of the disease and the condition of probands. The criteria for inclusion in the project will be a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease present in the medical records or completion of an examination to determine the risk of developing and prodromal stage of Parkinson's disease. Another criterion for inclusion in the study is signing an informed consent and GDPR approved by the ethics committee of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ostrava. Recruitment of the control group will be conducted among the employees of the University of Ostrava, their families, acquaintances, and by addressing the public. The research will take place at the Centre for Prevention and Health Care of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ostrava.