Degree Programmes
General Medicine
Degree programme in a nutshell
Detailed information on the admission procedure
Studies at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ostrava are focused on an individual student, not just a group of students. The Faculty provides a family-like, friendly environment and modern teaching facilities that are up to date with the latest technologies in education or medicine. Since the academic year 2022/2023, it also offers instruction in a new simulation centre.
The main partner for practical instruction and internships is the Ostrava University Hospital with its state-of the-art equipment and qualified staff. Other partners are the Ostrava-Fifejdy Municipal Hospital, Ostrava-Vítkovice AGEL Hospital and other healthcare facilities in the Moravian-Silesian Region.
The General Medicine degree programme prepares students for their future medical profession. It is organized under the credit system of study, fully compatible with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). In the first two years of study, students acquire theoretical knowledge and skills mainly in Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Medical Biophysics, Medical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Physiology, etc.
These courses are followed by pre-clinical courses such as Pathology, Microbiology, Pathological Physiology and Pharmacology and, later, clinical courses (Internal Medicine, Surgery, Urology, Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Infectious Diseases, Neurology, Clinical Oncology, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Forensic Medicine, etc.).
During their studies, students also encounter public health courses (Epidemiology, Social Medicine, Medical Law) and others (Clinical Genetics and Foetal Medicine, Medical Immunology and Medical Ethics).
The curriculum also includes the promotion of other skills relevant to the profession such as Medical Psychology or language training including Latin terminology.
Integral parts of the curriculum are practical training and internships in the main clinical specialties (Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics) as well as in a general practitioner's office.
The curriculum now includes research-oriented courses extending from the first semester of the first year to the end of the fifth year, when each students will defend their own research work under the guidance of a supervisor, demonstrating their ability to think critically, use scientific literature, etc.
The General Medicine degree programme presented by its coordinator prof. MUDr. David Školoudík, Ph.D., FESO, FEAN.
What do we expect from you?
No prior knowledge of medicine is expected or required. All courses are taught comprehensively and include topics that are covered in order for students to gain the information necessary to study the particular subject. An integral part of learning the subject is the ability to search for information in basic and recommended literature and other resources. For successful admission, however, sufficient knowledge of the sciences – biology, chemistry and physics – is essential.
What will you learn?
Do you enjoy chemistry, biology and other natural sciences? Do you have a thirst for knowledge and attention to detail? Are you meticulous? Do you want to help people? Would you enjoy working in highly specialized positions in the healthcare industry? Do you want to continually improve your education?
Throughout your studies, you will be introduced to key disciplines in which you can further specialize in your future work.
Graduates acquire knowledge in biomedical disciplines, have a deep understanding of the structure and function of various organs in the human body, diagnostic and preventive procedures, are able to develop rational treatment plans for diseases and implement them independently.
They have a deep knowledge of the biomedical fundamentals of the field, have a broad knowledge of the causes and nature of diseases of various organ systems and the most important systemic diseases, know the principles of aseptis and antisepsis, the organization and system of providing treatments and preventive care, as well as the principles of medical ethics and legislation related to the medical profession. They have knowledge of efficient pharmacotherapy, knowledge of the principles of medical first aid in systemic emergencies, a deep understanding of disease processes, especially those having infectious or inflammatory underpinnings, immune system disorders, diagnosis and treatment of neoplasms and genetic disorders.
Graduates are able to independently order and perform examinations necessary for proper diagnosis and interpret their results. Within their profession, they can autonomously administer a wide range of treatments to both paediatric and adult patients; they can adequately communicate with patients or their accompanying persons and collaborate with other medical professionals. They can also use electronic communication methods and modern information systems.
They are able to independently and competently assess medical history data provided by patients and perform physical examination of their overall clinical status. They are able to order and interpret paraclinical tests required for the diagnosis using state-of-the-art technologies and their implementation in practice. They can also determine the appropriate direction of investigation and establish the differential diagnosis of a pathology.
Using modern means of communication, they are able to acquire new information related to their profession and creatively apply the knowledge in practice. They can present the results of their work both verbally and in writing at professional forums.
Practical training
Your studies will also include practical instruction, practical training and internships in highly specialized departments. You will have the opportunity to experience working in a variety of specialties so that you can choose the one that suits you best. If you are successful, you can participate in research activities and publishing whilst still studying, joining the company of prominent, even world-class, figures in medicine.
How will the degree equip you for the job market?
After completing the Master's degree programme, the graduates will be fully prepared to work as medical practitioners in healthcare facilities of all types, having the possibility of further professional training in any selected specialty. They may also be employed outside healthcare facilities (e.g. non-clinical specialties, research, pharmaceutical industry). Finally, graduates may continue their studies in doctoral degree programmes.
General Medicine graduates should have professional competence to work as practitioners (preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative and surveillance activities under the supervision of professionally competent practitioners). Graduates are prepared for further training to become professionally competent. General Medicine graduates must have extensive academic and medical education that enables them to work in all medical specialties; they must be adequately theoretically prepared for their profession and able to cooperate with other healthcare specialists; they should have good communication skills and be prepared for life-long professional training and continuous professional growth; they must be ready to address professional issues in the context and using profound theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
Specific position
Graduates may work in both public and private healthcare facilities:
- in all medical specialties after successfully completing specialized training,
- as general practitioners or general paediatricians,
- as medical scientists,
- as medical/clinical lecturers at a university.
Postgraduate education
You can continue your education by specialized training in a chosen specialty. If you are also interested in research activities, you may study in a doctoral degree programme. At present, the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ostrava offers the following doctoral degree programmes: Clinical Neurosciences; Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology; Surgery; Experimental and Clinical Medicine in Haematology and Oncology; Internal Medicine.
A word from our graduates
Why did you choose to study General Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ostrava? What have these studies brought to you in your working life and employment (which competencies, knowledge or skills have you acquired, etc.)?
- Studies at the faculty of medicine gave me a lot but also took a lot from me. Those years were full of never-ending learning, internships, stress and exams, as well as a lot of creative work in a medical students’ NGO, new experiences and skills and, of course, good fun. I had the opportunity to do an internship abroad which I still remember with joy. In my opinion, the faculty strives to “keep with the times”, providing its students with the absolute best. Students get the necessary knowledge and a good start in their professional life.
MUDr. Petra Tomečková (paediatrics) - It is impossible to briefly explain all the reasons for choosing the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ostrava. It is a combination of several factors: the new facilities and equipment, a relatively small number of students in each year, the helpfulness of the teachers and management, participation of students in the development of the faculty, instruction and research both at the faculty and in the Ostrava University Hospital, student organizations and the students themselves, to name just a few reasons for choosing this particular faculty. I do not regret making this choice.
MUDr. Michaela Trlicová (anaesthesiology) - Studying at the Faculty of Medicine in Ostrava enriched my life with education, friends, skills and opened up many opportunities for my future life. The environment at the faculty is unique, providing a very individual approach of the teachers and a very close contact with patients. The faculty gave me a perfect opportunity for a one-year internship in Denmark. The experience I gained from both this internship and those in hospitals in Ostrava is very valuable in my everyday professional life. The Faculty of Medicine prepared me very well for my professional journey and I would not change my choice to study there.
MUDr. Jakub Vysocký (general practice)
What courses will you study?
- Compulsory Subjects - Subjects of the Profiling Foundation [A]
- Compulsory Subjects - ZTP Profiling Foundation [A]
- Compulsory Elective Courses - Internationalization [B]
- Compulsory Elective Courses - Language I. [B]
- Compulsory Elective Courses - Language II. [B]
- Compulsory Elective Courses - Professional [B]
Admissions procedure
Conditions for admission
1.1. Completion of secondary education
1.1.1. Completion of secondary education in the Czech Republic
[1] Condition for Bachelor's and non-follow-up Master's degree programmes, with the exception of fine arts: Each applicant must have completed secondary education with a school-leaving examination.
[1.1] Time limit for fulfilling the condition: Before the decision on the admission of the particular applicant to studies is issued, as the document proving the fulfilment of this condition of the admission procedure constitutes the basis for the Dean's decision on admission or non-admission to studies.
[1.2] Document proving fulfilment of the condition: Secondary school diploma.
[2] Condition for Bachelor's and non-follow-up Master's degree programmes in fine arts only: Each applicant must have completed secondary education with a school-leaving examination or tertiary professional education at a conservatory or, in exceptional cases, is not required to have completed secondary education or tertiary professional education at a conservatory at all.
[2.1] Time limit for fulfilling the condition: Before the decision on the admission of the particular applicant to studies is issued, as the document proving the fulfilment of this condition of the admission procedure constitutes the basis for the Dean's decision on admission or non-admission to studies.
[2.2] Document proving fulfilment of the condition: Secondary school diploma or conservatory diploma.
1.1.2. Completion of secondary education outside the Czech Republic
[1] Condition for Bachelor's and non-follow-up Master's degree programmes for all fields of study: Each applicant must have completed secondary education with a school-leaving examination.
[1.1] Time limit for fulfilling the condition: Before the decision on the admission of the particular applicant to studies is issued, as the document proving the fulfilment of this condition of the admission procedure constitutes the basis for the Dean's decision on admission or non-admission to studies.
[1.2] Means of fulfilling the condition: Completion of a secondary education programme.
[1.3] Place (institution) of fulfilment of the condition: A foreign secondary education institution, an international secondary education institution, a European secondary education institution, a school allowed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to provide compulsory education.
[1.4] Document proving fulfilment of the condition: Certificate of equivalence of foreign education issued by a regional office, the European Baccalaureate diploma, a foreign secondary school diploma.
[1.5] Special means of verifying fulfilment of the condition: Each higher education institution with institutional accreditation is obliged to verify fulfilment of the condition by its own assessment exclusively for the purposes of the admission procedure to degree programmes offered by the institution or any of its faculties.
[1.6] Special means of verifying fulfilment of the condition at the University of Ostrava: The procedure for verifying fulfilment of the condition is defined in Rector's Provision no. 118/2020 effective as of 12 November 2020. For operations associated with assessment of the completed education, a fee will be set by the Rector, with the fee not exceeding 20% of the basis set out in accordance with Section 58 (2) of the Act on Higher Education Institutions.
General Medicine – full-time form
[1] The written part of the entrance examination, prepared in cooperation with the SCIO company, takes the form a written electronic test of knowledge completed by applicants in an online setting; it has a multiple choice format, with only one option being considered correct, that is, the most accurate and descriptive answer to the question.
[2] The content of written tests: Biology, Physics and Chemistry, all covering the secondary school curriculum. Each written test will comprise 30 questions. Each correct answer will be worth 1 point.
[3] In this part of the entrance examination, the applicant may obtain a maximum of 90 points.
[4] Applicants who score less than 45 points in this part of the entrance examination will fail to pass the entrance examination and will not be admitted to studies; there are subscores for individual written tests that must also be achieved – Biology (minimum of 10 points), Physics (minimum of 10 points) and Chemistry (minimum of 10 points).
[5] The ranking of applicants in the admission procedure will be based on the sum of scores obtained for each part of the admission examination.
[6] The list of topics and recommended literature for the written part of the entrance examination is as follows:
[6.1] Topics for the General Medicine entrance examination.
[6.2] Recommended literature for the General Medicine entrance examination.
[6.3] Sample test questions for the General Medicine entrance examination.
[7] The date of the relevant part of the entrance examination will be specified, together with additional information and instructions, in an invitation sent to the applicant via the e-application. The date will also be sent to the applicant's email and posted on the website under the applicant's unique number. The University does not send a hard copy invitation. The date sent to the applicant is binding and cannot be changed.
[8] The alternative date for all parts of the entrance examination, with the exception of the talent examination: not provided.
Topics for the entrance examination
- General characteristics of living systems (General characteristics of organisms. Material composition of living systems. Characteristics of unicellular and multicellular organisms. Non-cellular organisms. Hierarchy of organisms by level of complexity.
- Overview of living organisms (Systematic categories of organisms. Biological species. Bacteria. Cyanobacteria. Protozoa. Moulds. Yeasts and higher fungi. Overview and characteristics of plants. Overview and characteristics of animals. Worms and arthropods. Chordates. Vertebrates. Mammals.)
- Cells (Characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Biomembranes. The cytoskeleton. Cell organelles. Chemical composition – nucleic acids, proteins, saccharides. Cell metabolism. Energy conversion. Cell division. Chromosomes. Cell reproduction.)
- Vital functions of higher plants, animals (Photosynthesis, anaerobic glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, ATP cycle. Plant reproduction and movement. Animal temperature. Respiratory systems of animals. Cardiovascular systems of animals. Bodily fluids of animals. Excretory systems of animals. Nervous systems of animals. Hormonal regulation. Homeostasis. Sensory functions. Locomotive functions. Reproduction of animals. Ontogenetic development and ageing of animals.)
- Genetics (Heredity and variation. Sexual and asexual reproduction. Basic concepts in genetics. Genetic information and the genetic code. Genes and their expression. Storage of genes in chromosomes. Prokaryotic chromosomes. Eukaryotic chromosomes. Karyotypes. Diploid and haploid chromosome number. Meiosis. Segregation and combination of chromosomes. Determination of sex by chromosomes. Crossbreeding. Dominance and recessivity. Mendel's laws. Autosomal inheritance. Gonosomal inheritance. Mutation. Mutagenic factors in the human environment. Genetic structure of the population. The medical importance of genetics. Examples from genetics: molecular basis of heredity, cells and heredity, heredity in multicellular organisms, genetic variation. Examples from human genetics. Heredity of blood groups, eye colour, left-handedness, disorders of finger development, hemophilia, colourblindness. Heredity in organism populations.)
- Evolution (Basic notions of the origins of life. Geological development of the Earth and the development of life. The oldest forms of life. Darwin's theory of evolution. Basic paleoanthropological discoveries. The line of development of humans.)
- Human biology (The skeletal and locomotive systems. The internal environment of the organism. Blood. Defence reactions of the organism. Blood groups. Blood transfusion. The circulatory system and its functions. Lymph and the lymphatic system. The respiratory system and its functions. The digestive system and its functions. The excretory system. Conversion of substances and energy in the human organism. The functions of the liver. Body temperature and its maintenance. Hormonal control of organism activity. Control of internal organ activity. The nervous system. Nervous control of organism activity. Sensory systems. Higher nervous activity. Male and female reproductive systems. Ontogenesis and intrauterine development of humans. Pregnancy. Hereditary diseases. Genetic consultancy.)
- Ecology (Basic concepts in ecology. Relationships between organisms and the environment. Abiotic and biotic elements of the environment. Solar radiation, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, life. Population. Mutual relations among populations. Parasitism, predation. Positive relations in populations. Communities of organisms. The ecosystem and its changes. The biosphere. The human population and the environment. The population explosion.)
- General chemistry and inorganic chemistry (Basic characteristics of substances – mass and relative mass of atoms and molecules, amount of substance, the Avogadro constant, molar mass, normal molar volume of gases. Names and chemical formulas of inorganic compounds. Calculations from chemical formulas. Chemical equations. Calculations of mass, amount of substance. Atomic structure. Valence electrons. The periodic system of elements; s-block, pblock, d-block elements. Electronegativity of elements. Ionic and covalent chemical bonds, bond polarity. Covalent bonds. Coordinate bonds. Directionality of bonds, hybridization of atomic orbitals, molecule polarity. Intermolecular bond forces. Solutions – expressing the composition of a solution via mass fraction, mass concentration and molar concentration, calculations. Equivalent amount of substance in neutralization reactions (neutralization titration). Nonelectrolytes and electrolytes, electrolytic dissociation, strong and weak electrolytes. Ionic concentration in strong electrolyte solutions. Types of chemical reactions. Protolytic reactions. Strong acids and bases, dissociation constant of weak acids and bases. Autoprotolysis of water and ionic product of water. Concentration of hydrogen ions and pH. Solutions of strong acids and bases – calculations. Hydrolysis of salts. Oxidation-reduction reactions, agents, numbers of exchanged electrons and coefficients in chemical equations. Thermochemical equations and reaction energy equilibrium, reaction heat. Influence of reaction conditions on the speed of chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium and the equilibrium constant, factors causing non-equilibrium states. Groups of elements in the periodic table (main group elements, transition elements, distribution of metals and nonmetals). Hydrogen and oxygen, covalent hybrids, ionic and covalent oxides, acidic oxides, basic oxides, amphoteric oxides. Water.)
- Organic chemistry (Molecular bonds in organic compounds. Properties of organic compounds, basic types of reactions. Terminology – principles. Isomerism. Hydrocarbons (names of hydrocarbon radicals, unsaturated hydrocarbons, arenes. Haloalkanes, nitro compounds, amines – various types). Alcohols and phenols, quinones, ethers. Aldehydes and ketones. Carboxylic acids. Overview of names and structures of biologically important acids (mono- and dicarboxylic unsubstituted saturated and unsaturated, substitution derivatives – hydroxy acids and keto acids). Optical isomerism. Urine. Heterocyclic compounds. Uric acid.)
- Biochemistry (Saccharides – classification, importance, structure of the most important monosaccharides (acyclic forms, derivation of hemiacetal cyclic forms, anomerism), sucrose esters, formation of glycosidic bonds. Reducing and non-reducing disaccharides, polysaccharides. Lipids – fatty acids bound in lipids, acylglycerols, hydrolysis of fats and oils, soaps, rancidification, main components of phospholipids. Steroids – structure of sterane, biologically important steroids. Purine and pyrimidine bases of nucleic acids, structure and names of nucleosides and nucleotides, basic structural features of nucleic acids, their types and functions in the transcription and translation processes. Amino acids and proteins: names and structures of all 20 standard amino acids, polarity of side chains, ionization. Peptide bond formation, peptide name formation. Protein structure – primary/quaternary structure, stabilization of secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure. Denaturing of proteins. Basic types of proteins. Functions of enzymes, main classes of enzymes. Important enzymes in the digestive system. Functions of vitamins, chemical names. Anabolic and catabolic character of metabolic pathways, importance of oxidation reactions, macroergic compounds and metabolism energy effect. The role of the citrate cycle and the respiratory chain. End products of aerobic and anaerobic glucose breakdown, beta-oxidation of higher carboxylic acids and nitrous substances. Hormones – basic characteristics and functions.)
- Physical quantities, units (SI system of units. Fractional or multiple units. Scalar and vector quantities. Conversion of units).
- Mechanics (Kinematics of a material point (types and configurations of movements, velocity and acceleration, even and uneven movements, circular movement of a material point, centripetal acceleration). Dynamics of a material point (mutual effects of bodies, Newton's laws of motion, momentum of bodies and impulse of force, law of conservation of momentum, centripetal and centrifugal force). Energy of a material point (work, power, mechanical energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, laws of conservation of energy in mechanics). Mechanics of solid bodies (solid bodies, moment of force, centre of gravity, couple moment, displacement and rotary movement of solid bodies, efficiency of machines). Mechanics of liquids and gases (pressure in liquids and gases, hydrostatic pressure, Pascal's law, Archimedes' principle, atmospheric pressure, constant flow of ideal liquids, continuity equations, the Bernoulli equation, flow of real liquids). Gravitational fields (law of gravity, the Earth's gravitational field, movement of bodies in the Earth's homogeneous and radial gravitational field).
- Thermodynamics and molecular physics (Kinetic theory of the structure of substances, unordered movement of particles in substances, state-structure models, thermodynamic temperature). Internal energy, work and heat (changes in the internal energy of a body during heat exchange, heat, specific heat capacity, calorimetry, first law of thermodynamics). Structure and properties of gases (classification of gas molecules according to velocity, equation of state for an ideal gas, isothermic, isobaric and adiabatic processes in ideal gases, the cyclic process, second law of thermodynamics). Structure and properties of solids (crystalline and amorphous solids, ideal crystal lattices, main bond types, deformation of solid bodies, thermal expansion of solids). Structure and properties of liquids (surface layer of liquids, surface tension, solid/liquid state boundary phenomena, capillarity, liquid volume thermal expansion). Changes of state (melting, solidification, sublimation, evaporation and boiling, condensation, phase diagram, steam in the atmosphere).
- Acoustics (Oscillation (harmonic oscillation, phases, oscillator energy, eigen oscillation, forced oscillation, resonance). Waves (classification of wave types, reflection and refraction, interference, standing waves, spatial propagation of waves, Huygens principle). Sound waves (sound and its properties, volume of sound, intensity and velocity of sound, ultrasound, infrasound).
- Electricity and magnetism (Electrical fields (electric current, force effects, Coulomb's law, electrical field intensity, voltage, conductor and condenser capacity, conductors and insulators in an electrical field, electrical power source). Electric current in metals (electron conductivity, Ohm's law, electrical resistance. Kirchoff's laws, work, power). Electric current in semiconductors (diodes and transistors, the thermoelectric effect). Electric current in electrolytes (electrolytic dissociation, Faraday's laws, electrolysis, galvanic cells). Electric current in gases, vacuums (gas ionization, cathode radiation, electron thermal emissions). Magnetic fields (origin, magnetic fields and force effects of conductors with current, force effects, magnetic induction, magnetic properties of substances, production and measurement of alternating voltage and current, inductance, capacitance, impedance, Thomson formula, electromagnetic induction).
- Optics (Electromagnetic radiation and its energy (basic concepts, basic radiometric quantities, thermal radiation). Light speed, total reflection, light reflection and refraction, refraction index, separation of light through a prism, spectroscopy, light interference, light bending, light polarization. Optical systems – lenses, the eye, microscopes, telescopes).
- Atomic physics (The photoelectric effect, the Compton effect, particle and wave properties of photons, spontaneous and stimulated radiation emission – lasers, wave properties of particles. Electron shells of atoms (atomic spectra, quantum energy, quantum mechanical model of a hydrogen atom, quantum numbers). Structure of the atomic nucleus (nuclear reactions, natural radioactivity, law of radioactive transformation, nuclear fission and fusion, production and use of radionuclides, detection of nuclear radiation).
Recommended literature for the entrance examination
Biology textbooks covering the secondary school curriculum
Chiras, D.D.: Human Biology. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudburry, USA, 2002, ISBN 0-7637-1880-7
Mader S. S.: Human Biology. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York, 2010. ISBN10: 0077280113
Chemistry textbooks covering the secondary school curriculum
Physics textbooks covering the secondary school curriculum - Physics for Secondary Schools Years I – IV.
Sample entrance examination
- Sample test
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- The student advisor for the degree programme will provide more information on the content of the programme prof. MUDr. David Školoudík, Ph.D., FESO, FEAN
- Questions from applicants with specific needs (e.g. a disability) will be answered by our Centrum Pyramida.
- Do you need advice on what else you could study or which studies are most suitable for you? Contact our Counseling and Career Centre.
Information for students with specific needs
Degree programmes at the University of Ostrava are available to disabled persons, unless otherwise stated in the information on a particular degree programme. For any enquiries concerning the accessibility of degree programmes, applicants with special needs may approach the Pyramida Centre contact person for the Faculty of Medicine. Please specify your disability and the degree programme when making the enquiry.
Phone: +420 553 46 1746.
Applicants without special needs may contact the Faculty’s Study Office about any enquiries.
I corsi di laurea realizzati dall´Università di Ostrava sono accessibili anche alle persone con disabilità se non diversamente specificato dal concreto corso di laurea. I candidati con bisogni speciali si possono rivolgere alla persona di riferimento del Centro Piramide della Facoltà di Medicina. Nella domanda deve essere specificata la disabilità ed il corso di laurea prescelto.
Coordinatore per gli studenti con bisogni educativi speciali:
telefono: +420 553 46 1746
Per contattare la RNDr. Hana Sochorová, Ph.D., rivolgersi alla referente per le relazioni internazionali Bc. Hana Glumbíková, .
I candidati senza bisogni educativi speciali possono contattare la Segreteria studenti della Facoltà di Medicina dell´Università di Ostrava.