Projects & Grants
An Environmental History of Transboundary Rivers in Cold War East-Central Europe | |
Main solver | Viktor Pál, PhD |
Period | 1/2024 - 12/2026 |
Provider | Grantová agentura ČR |
State | solved |
Implementation of the ecosystem services concept into future water management plans | |
Main solver | Mgr. Stanislav Ruman, Ph.D. |
Period | 5/2024 - 12/2026 |
Provider | Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologie, Program "Prostředí pro život" |
State | solved |
Extramedullary multiple myeloma: molecular pathogenesis and novel therapeutical targets | |
Main solver | doc. RNDr. Michal Šimíček, PhD. |
Period | 5/2023 - 12/2026 |
Provider | Agentura zdravotnického výzkumu ČR |
State | solved |
Zlepšení robustnosti archeogenetických studií vysoce smíšených lidských populací v pozdním holocénu Eurasie | |
Main solver | Mgr. Piya Changmai, Ph.D. |
Period | 10/2024 - 9/2026 |
Provider | Horizont Europe |
State | solved |
Complex service for optimizing municipal waste collection based on heuristic methods | |
Main solver | prof. RNDr. Jiří Močkoř, DrSc. |
Period | 10/2023 - 9/2026 |
Provider | Centrum excelence IT4Innovations, divize, OP TAK (Technologie a aplikace pro konkurenceschopnost) |
State | solved |
Dotační program Podpora vědy a výzkumu v MSK 2023 - podpora talentovaných studentů doktorského studia | |
Main solver | doc. Mgr. Pavel Drozd, Ph.D. |
Period | 9/2023 - 8/2026 |
Provider | Katedra biologie a ekologie, Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologie, Katedra fyziky, Moravskoslezský kraj |
State | solved |
Cesta k dětské paliativní péči - hodnoty, vědění, porozumění, spolupráce | |
Main solver | Mgr. Hana Hanyášová, Ph.D. |
Period | 9/2024 - 8/2026 |
Provider | Ostatní iniciativy spol. |
State | solved |
Strengthening undergraduate training and development of competences of students and staff at the Faculty of Education of OU in the field of children's palliative care and psychosocial care of seriously ill children and their families | |
Main solver | doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Jan Chrastina, Ph.D., MBA, LL.M. |
Period | 9/2024 - 8/2026 |
Provider | Nadační fondy. spolky, sdružení |
State | solved |
Dotační program Podpora vědy a výzkumu v MSK 2023 - podpora talentovaných studentů doktorského studia | |
Main solver | Mgr. Michaela Závodná, Ph.D. |
Period | 9/2023 - 8/2026 |
Provider | Filozofická fakulta, Moravskoslezský kraj |
State | solved |
Research and development of innovative solutions for early diagnosis of autoimmune and paraneoplastic diseases of the nervous system | |
Main solver | prof. MUDr. David Stejskal, Ph.D., MBA |
Period | 1/2024 - 6/2026 |
Provider | Ústav laboratorní medicíny, Technologická agentura ČR |
State | solved |
Development of infrastructural facilities for doctoral study programmes at UO | |
Main solver | doc. RNDr. Martin Štěpnička, Ph.D. |
Period | 6/2023 - 5/2026 |
Provider | Děkanát FF, Děkanát FSS, Děkanát FU, Děkanát LF, Děkanát PdF, Děkanát PřF, Rektorát, OP JAK (Jan Amos Komenský) |
State | solved |
24 VISION a.s. - Application 1 - Automation of quality control with elements of artificial intelligence in a hybrid environment | |
Main solver | RNDr. Marek Vajgl, Ph.D. |
Period | 6/2024 - 5/2026 |
Provider | Centrum excelence IT4Innovations, divize, OP TAK (Technologie a aplikace pro konkurenceschopnost) |
State | solved |
Accelerating STEAM-related Knowledge and Skills via 3D Modelling and 3D Printing (3D STEAM) | |
Main solver | prof. RNDr. Jozef Hvorecký, PhD. |
Period | 10/2023 - 3/2026 |
Provider | Erasmus+ |
State | solved |
Study of the anti-leishmanial activity of nanoparticles considering their effect on the microbiome | |
Main solver | prof. MSc. Vjačeslav Jurčenko, Ph.D. |
Period | 2/2024 - 1/2026 |
Provider | Horizont Europe |
State | solved |
miraclIS, SE - Application 1- Non-invasive online patient monitoring with elements of artificial intelligence. | |
Main solver | doc. MUDr. Jan Máca, Ph.D. |
Period | 2/2023 - 1/2026 |
Provider | Klinika anesteziologie, resuscitace a in, OP TAK (Technologie a aplikace pro konkurenceschopnost) |
State | solved |
Národní ústav pro neurologický výzkum | |
Main solver | MUDr. Petra Bártová, Ph.D. |
Period | 7/2022 - 12/2025 |
Provider | Děkanát LF, MŠMT |
State | solved |
Biomechanical loading of the lower limbs during landing: Development of landing mats | |
Main solver | Mgr. Pavel Brtva, Ph.D. |
Period | 1/2024 - 12/2025 |
Provider | Katedra studií lidského pohybu, Technologická agentura ČR |
State | solved |
The Big History and its Philosophical Potential | |
Main solver | Mgr. David Černín, Ph.D. |
Period | 1/2023 - 12/2025 |
Provider | Standardní projekt GA ČR |
State | solved |
Unraveling the relationship between ambrosia gall midges and their symbionts: neglected model of fungus farming evolution | |
Main solver | doc. Mgr. Pavel Drozd, Ph.D. |
Period | 1/2023 - 12/2025 |
Provider | Standardní projekt GA ČR |
State | solved |
Organellar translation as an evolutionary playground | |
Main solver | prof. Mgr. Marek Eliáš, Ph.D. |
Period | 1/2023 - 12/2025 |
Provider | Standardní projekt GA ČR |
State | solved |